Nutritional Consultations
Nutrition undoubtedly goes hand-in-hand with wellness and chiropractic. Nutrition is the foundation for all cell functions within your body, including every tissue, gland, and organ.
Elevate Wellness offers superior nutritional therapy services to help you optimize your health.
Nutritional therapy uses an assessment process to identify imbalances in body chemistry. These imbalances or nutritional deficiencies are corrected through diet, lifestyle changes, and targeted nutrients. Nutritional therapists do not diagnose or treat disease, but work to correct imbalances with the goal of gently guiding individuals back on the path to health.
Our nutritionists also employ nutritional supplements and medical foods as well as counseling and coordination of nutritional care. Your health depends on high-quality nutritional products. We only recommend products of the highest quality, safety, and most importantly products that are effective.
We can also help those who are simply looking to lose weight and become the healthiest versions of themselves.
Our goal is to help you achieve total health and balance with your body.